
word craft


The Button War is reviewed

The Button WarThe But­ton War received this crit­i­cal review from 9‑year-old Nathaniel Krae­mer. Thanks, Nathaniel, for shar­ing this with my read­ers, and for giv­ing the book a starred review. 

“In this bone-chill­ing Avi nov­el, read­ers learn a les­son that they will remem­ber for the rest of their lives: War is not a game. Set in a remote vil­lage in Poland, a group of boys are alarmed when the Ger­man army drops a bomb on the school­house and the Russ­ian occu­piers leave. Inspired by all of the sol­diers and the mag­nif­i­cent but­tons that cur­rent­ly reside in their vil­lage, Jurek, the mani­a­cal leader of the group, decides to launch a dan­ger­ous dare: the group would have a con­test. Who­ev­er got the best but­ton would become the king. Patryk, one of the boys in the group, would do any­thing to stop Jurek from becom­ing king. But Jurek is deter­mined and will not let any­one stop him. The bat­tle spi­rals and col­lides with the war. As the but­ton war turns lethal, every­thing spins out of con­trol. With cap­ti­vat­ing and vivid scenes, this bit­ter­sweet nov­el will be an incred­i­ble read for all ages.” 

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