
word craft


Word for the Day: Mononymous

Word for the day: Monony­mous, writ­ers using one name.

Goodreads ran a list of the most pop­u­lar monony­mous writ­ers. Not sure why, but they did. But it was, as this monony­mous writer can attest, impres­sive. Here’s the list in order of popularity.

  1. The Repub­lic.
  2. Ethics.
  3. Can­dide.
  4. Con­fu­cius.
  5. Pop­py.

PoppyNow, that’s rather rare com­pa­ny for my mouse friend, Pop­py. I’m not quite sure what philo­soph­ic insights she can add to such wis­dom as these lumi­nar­ies offer, but I’ll not begrudge her the place­ment or the fame.

This month marks her twen­ty-fifth birth­day. Thus, com­pared to the oth­er crea­tures on the list she is a mere infant. That she has achieved such a place in our cul­ture is strik­ing­ly impres­sive. A few more years and I have great faith she’ll reach the top.

I like to think of her sit­ting around and dis­cussing some of the big issues of the day with these folks. If I were a bet­ter monony­mous writer I would like to com­pose that pod­cast. Feel free, anyone.

As for Poppy’s philo­soph­i­cal insights, here’s what hap­pens when she wan­ders into Dim­wood For­est for the first time:

“Pop­py gazed at it in awe. She was not sure what she’d thought Dim­wood For­est would be like. She knew only that she’d nev­er imag­ined it so vast, so dense, so dark. The sight of it made her feel immense­ly iso­lat­ed and small. Feel­ing small made a part of all she saw. Being part of it made her feel immense. It was ter­ri­bly confusing.”

Wel­come to the world, Poppy!

And Hap­py 25th Birthday!

Your friend,


2 thoughts on “Word for the Day: Mononymous”

  1. It’s grat­i­fy­ing to know an Amer­i­can author writes old-fash­ioned adven­ture sto­ries. Avi and Gary Paulsen, in my opin­ion, are among today’s best writ­ers. Thank you both.


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