
word craft


Finding a Gem of Information

I’m often asked about the research I do for my his­tor­i­cal-fic­tion nov­els. That is deter­mined, first, by the nature of the book I am writ­ing. If I am try­ing to set a sto­ry with­in the con­text of real events, real peo­ple, in real places, that requires rather deep research. If I am only using a set­ting, that requires anoth­er, shal­low­er lev­el of research. And so forth. Being a for­mer librar­i­an, some­one who used to teach col­lege stu­dents how to do research, I don’t find the process dif­fi­cult, and, indeed, enjoy­ing doing it. 

Iron ThunderLet it be acknowl­edged, I rarely search out orig­i­nal sources. That said, I did a lot of that for my book, Iron Thun­der, and the Crispin books.

But, some­one asks, do you use the inter­net? For the most part, the answer is no. Still, when I need spe­cif­ic data, it can be very use­ful. If you make sure of sources, the inter­net can be helpful.

For exam­ple, what was the pop­u­la­tion of Boston, in 1775? (6,753) In the same fash­ion, I can tell you on what day July 4, 1776 fell. A Thurs­day. And even, if there was a cel­e­bra­to­ry march that night, what stage was the moon in North Amer­i­ca? Almost a full moon, but wan­ing. That kind of infor­ma­tion, I think, can enrich my story.

But not long ago, using the inter­net, I locat­ed a real gem of infor­ma­tion. In my nov­el I need­ed to describe a boy, abut thir­teen years of age, and what he was wear­ing. Descrip­tions of young people’s cloth­ing are hard to find and, when found, usu­al­ly per­tain to upper-class chil­dren. There are many more paint­ings of those kids.

Boy's jacket, CT Historical Society
Boy’s jack­et, about 1775–1785, Con­necti­cut His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety Muse­um & Library

But here is an image and infor­ma­tion that came from the Con­necti­cut His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety via the internet.

Boy’s Jack­et Date: about 1775–1785: Pri­ma­ry Mak­er: Unknown Medi­um: Hand-stitched linen, with pewter buttons.

Made of brown home­spun linen fab­ric, this jack­et was found in the wall of a house in Guil­ford, Conn. when the build­ing was under­go­ing ren­o­va­tion. Although shoes are occa­sion­al­ly found in walls of 18th cen­tu­ry homes (a cus­tom that may be con­nect­ed to folk­lore or super­sti­tions orig­i­nat­ing in the British Isles), the dis­cov­ery of a full gar­ment is extreme­ly unusu­al. The coarse medi­um-weight fab­ric was undoubt­ed­ly pro­duced local­ly, per­haps by the wear­er’s own house­hold, and the pewter but­tons may also have been “home-made,” as the low melt­ing point of pewter allowed for rel­a­tive­ly sim­ple man­u­fac­ture with a but­ton mold. The jack­et doc­u­ments the kind of ordi­nary cloth­ing worn by a work­ing man in the late 18th cen­tu­ry; it is a rare sur­vivor, in that gar­ments of this sort were usu­al­ly worn out, and at the point when they could no longer be repaired, the linen fab­ric was sold to rag deal­ers for paper-mak­ing. There is obvi­ous wear and some dam­age to this jack­et, how­ev­er, giv­en its his­to­ry of use and cir­cum­stance of its preser­va­tion, it is in sur­pris­ing­ly good condition.

1 thought on “Finding a Gem of Information”

  1. That jack­et is amaz­ing. A copy of “The Dic­tio­nary of Cos­tume” is on my per­son­al research shelf. I refer to it often when writ­ing. Clothing/underwear/hates/etc. for men, women, and chil­dren are divid­ed into cen­turies and then decades and labeled with the types (names, fab­rics, styles, etc.) used, includ­ing sketch­es. But find­ing things in muse­ums is excel­lent for dis­cov­er­ing the col­or and tex­ture of the clothing.


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