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Everything about Catch You Later, Traitor

What is truth? What is rumor? To what lengths will a gov­ern­ment go to round up cit­i­zens sus­pect­ed of under­min­ing the Unit­ed States? Set amidst the true events of the McCarthy Era (late 1940s to 1950s), this nov­el is based on my own sto­ry. Class­rooms and book groups will find much to dis­cuss in Catch You Lat­er, Trai­tor, per­haps relat­ing to cur­rent events:

Catch You Later, Traitor

Behind the story

It was the hard­est book I ever wrote.

Mind, it was not the writ­ing as such.  It was because I was revis­it­ing a world I recalled as full of fear, con­fu­sion, and danger.

I was four­teen years of age in 1951. Liv­ing in New York City (in Brook­lyn) with my sol­id fam­i­ly. But this was the time of Sen­a­tor Joe McCarthy, relent­less anti-Com­mu­nism, the Kore­an War, a con­stant fear of nuclear war, a time when you had to be care­ful what you said, and also care­ful about what you heard. read more

Sam­ple Chapter

Read Chap­ter 1, read­able online and as a down­load­able PDF.


Edu­ca­tor Guide from Algo­nquin, the publisher

Read­ers’ Guide from Algonquin

Author Insights from Algonquin

A Con­ver­sa­tion between Avi and Gary D. Schmidt,” Bookol­o­gy, 4 Aug 2015

Q & A with Avi,” Sal­ly Lodge, Pub­lish­ers Week­ly, 24 Feb 2015

A Book­storm of com­pan­ion books and a Bookmap for Smart­board presentations. 

Back­ground on McCarthyism

McCarthy­ism and the Red Scare,” The Miller Cen­ter, Uni­ver­si­ty of Virginia

McCarthy­ism,” Arthur Miller: Pri­vate Con­ver­sa­tions, Amer­i­can Mas­ters, PBS

Video, cour­tesy of Mackin Com­mu­ni­ty (you can watch the entire inter­view here)

Book Cov­ers through the Years

Always intrigu­ing to study a book’s cov­er, look­ing at how the pub­lish­er and artist felt this would pro­mote a book to the most like­ly read­ers. Some­times, a book’s title and cov­er under­go big changes before the book is published.


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