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Everything about
Crispin: The Cross of Lead

One of my most read books, here are some inter­est­ing tid­bits about, and resources for, Crispin: The Cross of Lead:

Crispin The Cross of Lead
Crispin The Cross of Lead (Crispin, book 1 of 3)

Behind the Story

The sto­ry of Crispin: The Cross of Lead is complex.

  1. My wife and I were dri­ving from Den­ver to the moun­tains, lis­ten­ing to a lec­ture by Dr. Teofi­lo Ruiz, chair of the His­to­ry Depart­ment at UCLA. It was all about the medieval peri­od. I was fas­ci­nat­ed, and told myself that sure­ly there was a sto­ry here, and I must do some reading.
  2. I did read a lot more—found won­der­ful stuff—and began to shape a sto­ry in my head. read more

Teach­ing Guide

Down­load­able guide for all three Crispin books, from Jan Mac­Don­ald, Rocky Moun­tain Readers.


Lis­ten to these pod­casts, in which I read a bit from the three Crispin books.

New­bery Award Win­ner 2003

Amer­i­can Library Asso­ci­a­tion’s New­bery Medal

Writ­ing is Nam­ing the World,” Avi, New­bery accep­tance speech, Amer­i­can Library Asso­ci­a­tion, 2003 


An Inter­view with Avi, 2003 New­bery Medal Win­ner for Crispin, The Cross of Lead,” John Blasingame, ALAN, Vol. 30, No. 3, retrieved from Vir­ginia Tech Uni­ver­si­ty Libraries.

Pin­ter­est Board

Crispin, The Cross of Lead Enrich­ment Activ­i­ties” to accom­pa­ny study guide from Prog­e­ny Press


A Video Inter­view with Avi,” Read­ing Rockets

and this inter­pre­ta­tion of the book, an entry in the 90 Sec­ond New­bery competition:

Auro­ra Pub­lic Library, Eola Road Branch, entry for 90 Sec­ond New­bery Film Fes­ti­val. A silent film adap­ta­tion of Crispin: Cross of Lead by Avi.

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