
word craft


Writing Tip: Veera Hiranandani

I’ve invit­ed a group of top-notch writ­ers to share their writ­ing tips with you this sum­mer. Look for a new bit of learned expe­ri­ence each Tuesday.

Veera Hiranan­dani: I’ve taught cre­ative writ­ing for many years and one of my favorite writ­ing exer­cis­es that I’ve giv­en to both kids and adults is exper­i­ment­ing with anoth­er point of view. Some­times writ­ers aren’t always aware of why they chose the point of view they did for their main character.

First, ask your­self if your sto­ry is told in first per­son, “I,” or third per­son, “he/she/they.” A less com­mon point of view you can use is sec­ond per­son, “you.”

Think about why you wrote your sto­ry in what­ev­er point of view you’ve used. Then rewrite the first para­graph or two in anoth­er point of view, per­haps chang­ing it from first per­son to third per­son. See how it feels.

This can imme­di­ate­ly open up anoth­er way of see­ing your sto­ry. It can also give you the dis­tance you need to make revi­sions even if you don’t end up switch­ing the point of view.

Please vis­it Veera Hiranan­dani’s web­site, where you can learn more about her books. You’ll also find an inter­view, pod­casts, and edu­ca­tor resources.

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