
word craft


Writing Tip: Caroline Starr Rose

I’ve invit­ed a group of top-notch writ­ers to share their writ­ing tips with you this sum­mer. Look for a new bit of learned expe­ri­ence each Tuesday.

Car­o­line Starr Rose: On the bul­letin board over my desk I have this quote from my author friend J. Ander­son Coats: “Writ­ing? Some­times it’s not sacred. Some­times it’s like mak­ing ground beef by press­ing a live cow through a colan­der. It’s messy and hard and unglam­orous and real­ly quite insane, but at the end you still can eat a burg­er.” This quote is my reminder that some­times you have to take some pret­ty twisty turns to get to the burg­er (I mean book). Some­times writ­ing is loads of fun. Some­times it’s a slog. There’s a lot of patience required and the will­ing­ness to make wrong turns and false starts. All of it is a‑okay.

Learn more about Car­o­line Starr Rose and her books on Car­o­line’s web­site. While you’re there, con­sid­er sign­ing up for her bi-week­ly blog posts on read­ing and writing.

2 thoughts on “Writing Tip: Caroline Starr Rose”

  1. Thanks for this note of encour­age­ment. My cur­rent project seems like a slog as it talks about war. But I’ll be proud of it when it is fin­ished so it is worth to give my best. Your book cov­er looks good. I was a mid school librar­i­an and I would have cho­sen your book for my collection.


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