
word craft


Writing Tip: Vaunda Micheaux Nelson

I’ve invit­ed a group of top-notch writ­ers to share their writ­ing tips with you this sum­mer. Look for a new bit of learned expe­ri­ence each Tuesday.

Vaun­da Micheaux Nel­son: Remain open to the pos­si­bil­i­ty of chang­ing your approach to a project. Your pic­ture book might work bet­ter as a nov­el (May­field Cross­ing). Your YA biog­ra­phy might be bet­ter told as a doc­u­men­tary nov­el (No Crys­tal Stair) or even a pic­ture book (The Book Itch). Don’t be afraid to start over, to invent your own for­mat … to break the rules.

Please vis­it Vaun­da Micheaux Nel­son’s web­site, so you can enjoy her books, which range from young adult non­fic­tion to ear­ly chap­ter books, from nov­els to pic­ture books. Always a plea­sure to dig in to Vaun­da’s care­ful­ly researched, live­ly books.

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