
word craft



Avi, photo by Kate Milford

2024 Summer Blog Series: Avi

Where do you get your ideas? Best writ­ing tips? This sum­mer I have asked writer friends and col­leagues to answer these same two ques­tions that I am sure they too are con­stant­ly being asked by young peo­ple — their readers.

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Lost in the Empire City Avi

Where Research Takes Me

When you write his­tor­i­cal fic­tion, such as I do, my research can take me any­where and gen­er­al­ly does. Such search­es are helped by a won­der­ful truth: there seems to be a book, an arti­cle, or a mem­oir about any­thing and everything.

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child on smartphone

“Not Lost in a Book”

All of these fac­tors are rad­i­cal­ly mut­ing the love of free deep read­ing at a cru­cial stage in child devel­op­ment. The lit­er­ary book is not what pub­lish­ers want because, quite sim­ply, they are not selling.

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Treasure Island

The Book That Influenced Me

If I had to pick one book—from my ear­ly reading—the one that most influ­enced the way I think about books and the writ­ing of books, it would be Trea­sure Island, writ­ten by Robert Louis Stevenson.

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This is Where I Came In

I have long believed sto­ries — nar­ra­tives — are one of the basic forms of com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Nar­ra­tives are one of the ways we make sense of the world.

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The Bookies Denver

A Love Story

I flew to Phoenix to accept an award, then flew to Den­ver to vis­it schools. I also agreed to make a book­store appear­ance. It changed my life.

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Ready to Move Forward

After a month or so of dither­ing — try­ing out this notion, that notion — I’ve com­mit­ted myself to the book I intend to write next. Indeed, I’ve already rewrit­ten it twen­ty times.

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Ah, A I

Gram­marly instruct­ed me that my pri­ma­ry writ­ing prob­lem is com­mas. That, I believe.

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