
word craft


Bright Shadow

Bright Shadow

Simon & Schus­ter, 1985

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audio book nar­rat­ed by 
Vir­ginia Leishman

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What’s this book about?

In a sin­gle day, Mor­wen­na goes from being the lowli­est ser­vant in the king’s cas­tle to the most pow­er­ful per­son in the land. She has become the wiz­ard, the bear­er of the last five wish­es in the king­dom, but with her new gift come rules. She can­not wish for more wish­es, she can­not wish for any­thing for her­self, and if she speaks of them to any­one, both she and the wish­es will be gone!

Story Behind the Story

I recent­ly wrote about my book, S.O.R. Losers, and how it was the fastest book I ever wrote: one day. Now I’ll write about Bright Shad­ow, which from the time I first start­ed to write it, until pub­li­ca­tion day, required four­teen years.

I can­not recall what trig­gered me to start this book. I sus­pect I was read­ing fairy tales to my two old­er boys. It con­tains two aspects (com­mon in fairy tales) that made it hard for me. It is a fan­ta­sy, and I had nev­er writ­ten one before. It was also a fan­ta­sy which had, as its core, a dying gift of wish­es, a kind of riddle.

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“TNew­bery Hon­or author Avi turns out anoth­er win­ner with this fan­ci­ful tale fea­tur­ing a cast of wood­land crea­tures… . While the themes about tyran­ny and hero­ism are time­less, Avi leav­ens his treat­ment with such 20th-cen­tu­ry touch­es as Pop­py’s jive-talk­ing boyfriend and Pop­py’s own roman­tic vision of her­self as Gin­ger Rogers. An engag­ing blend of romance, sus­pense and par­o­dy, this fan­ta­sy is well-nigh irre­sistible.” (Pub­lish­ers Week­ly)

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