
word craft


Ereth’s Birthday

Ereth's Birthday

Harper­Collins, 2006
illus­trat­ed by Bri­an Flo­ca
Book 5 of 7

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audio book nar­rat­ed by 
John McDonough

The Poppy Books
Book 1 of 7
Ragweed & Poppy
Book 2 of 7
Book 3 of 7
Poppy & Rye
Book 4 of 7
Poppy's Return
Book 6 of 7
Poppy & Ereth
Book 7 of 7
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What’s this book about?

Erethi­zon Dorsatum—better known as Ereth, the self-cen­tered, foul-tem­pered old porcupine—is hav­ing a birth­day. And he ful­ly expects his best friend Pop­py, a deer mouse, to help him cel­e­brate in a grand man­ner. But Pop­py has gone off some­where with her hus­band, Rye, and it appears she has for­got­ten all about it. “Belch­ing Beavers,” says Ereth, “I am not angry!” (Though, per­haps he is—and more than just a little.)

Ereth knows his spe­cial occa­sion deserves a spe­cial treat—even if he has to get it for him­self. And what treat could be more spe­cial than tasty salt? But the near­est salt is locat­ed deep in the for­est, in a cab­in occu­pied by fur hunters, who have set out traps to cap­ture the Dim­wood For­est ani­mals. In one of the traps, Ereth finds Leaper the Fox—who, with her dying breath, begs the prick­ly por­cu­pine to take care of her three bois­ter­ous young kits, Tum­ble, Nim­ble, and Flip. “Jel­lied wal­rus warts!” Ereth exclaims, but reluc­tant­ly agrees.

Cer­tain­ly this day is not going as he planned—and it’s only just the begin­ning! Not only does Ereth sud­den­ly have a ram­bunc­tious new fam­i­ly to take care of, but he’s being stalked by Mar­ty the Fish­er, the one crea­ture in Dim­wood For­est who can do him harm. And Bound­er, the father of the three lit­tle fox­es, remem­bers all too well the nose full of quills he got a while back from the grumpy old ani­mal who now fan­cies him­self the leader of the den. He too sets out to show Ereth who’s boss. Throw in an unex­pect­ed snow­storm, and all in all, it adds up to one birth­day Ereth the por­cu­pine is nev­er going to for­get, not even if he lives to be a hun­dred and twenty-two!


Story Behind the Story

If I had to pick my own favorite from the six Pop­py books, I sup­pose it must be Ereth’s Birth­day. The Pop­py sto­ries, which are, after all, about ani­mals, have more auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal con­tent than most of my oth­er books. (Catch You Lat­er, Trai­tor, is the most auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal.) In Ereth’s Birth­day, how­ev­er, the por­cu­pine Ereth, takes on the role of step-father—albeit reluctantly.

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Awards and Recognition

  • Par­en­t’s Guide, Out­stand­ing Achieve­ment, 2000
  • Children’s Choice nom­i­nee, Georgia
  • Children’s Choice nom­i­nee, Louisiana
  • Children’s Choice nom­i­nee, Missouri
  • Children’s Choice nom­i­nee, Nebraska
  • Children’s Choice nom­i­nee, Tennessee
  • Children’s Choice nom­i­nee, Texas
  • Children’s Choice nom­i­nee, Vermont


“… The ornery por­cu­pine’s trans­for­ma­tion from cranky—‘Phooey on all chil­dren with a squashed boll wee­vil on top’—to car­ing unfolds nat­u­ral­ly. When … the kits’ errant father appears and tells Ereth to leave, his over­whelm­ing sad­ness, bare­ly masked by anger, is poignant­ly real­is­tic … Well-devel­oped sus­pense, humor, and vivid char­ac­ter­i­za­tion make this install­ment a sat­is­fy­ing and touch­ing con­tin­u­a­tion of the series.” (The Horn Book)

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The Poppy Books
Book 1 of 7
Ragweed & Poppy
Book 2 of 7
Book 3 of 7
Poppy & Rye
Book 4 of 7
Poppy's Return
Book 6 of 7
Poppy & Ereth
Book 7 of 7
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