
word craft


Midnight Magic

Scholas­tic, 1999

Renais­sance Mys­ter­ies, Book 1 of 3

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audio book nar­rat­ed by 
Jeff Woodman

Renaissance Mysteries
Murder at Midnight
Book 2 of 3
City of Magic
Book 3 of 3
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What’s this book about?

Night after night, a ghost appears in the roy­al cas­tle of Perg­a­mon­tio, ter­ri­fy­ing the princess. Man­gus the Magi­cian doesn’t believe in ghosts, but that doesn’t stop him from being charged with find­ing this one. The King demands that Man­gus free his daugh­ter from the tor­ment of the ghost … oth­er­wise, the magi­cian will pay with his life. Mangus’s only hope is his faith­ful, street-smart ser­vant boy, Fab­rizio, who must solve the mys­tery of the ghost using log­ic and reason—and a bit of mag­ic of his own.

Story Behind the Story

Some­times writ­ers write just for the fun of it. Mid­night Mag­ic is me hav­ing fun with the idea of a ghost sto­ry. I had been read­ing some ghost sto­ries, (I don’t recall which) and thought I’d play with some of the clas­sic ghost sto­ry notions: A haunt­ing, a magi­cian, an ancient city. As for the ancient city, I had recent­ly vis­it­ed the fas­ci­nat­ing city of Naples (the Ital­ian one) and used its unusu­al placement—a steep hill—for the set­ting of the book.

As I may have said before, I don’t believe in ghosts, but I do believe in ghost stories.

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Awards and Recognition

  • Chil­dren’s Choice award, Utah, 2002
  • Starred Review, Pub­lish­ers Weekly
  • YALSA Quick Pick, 2000
  • IRA Chil­dren’s Choice 2000
  • IRA Teacher’s Choice 2000
  • Children’s Choice nom­i­nee, North Carolina
  • Children’s Choice nom­i­nee, New Mexico
  • Children’s Choice nom­i­nee, Florida


“Con­spir­a­cies, intrigue, mur­der, deceit, appari­tions, dusty pas­sages, false iden­ti­ties, a clever inves­ti­ga­tor, and his loy­al if cred­u­lous young ser­vant, Avi’s new page-turn­er has it all … Read­ers … will be riv­et­ed from page one.”

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Renaissance Mysteries
Murder at Midnight
Book 2 of 3
City of Magic
Book 3 of 3
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