
word craft


Mountain Home

Does where you write make a dif­fer­ence? A room of your own, to be sure. What about a log cab­in? I’m about to find out. My wife and I are mov­ing to remote North Routt Coun­ty, Col­orado. Thir­ty miles north of Steam­boat Springs, 9,000 feet up. It’s in a for­est full of deer, elk, bear and who knows what else. No cell phones. No TV. No postal ser­vice, for that mat­ter. (We have to go fetch it from twelve miles away.) But the wild flow­ers are spec­tac­u­lar. And 600 inch­es of snow  dur­ing a long win­ter. The silence is huge. The night sky is as full as it is meant to be. In fact, we;ve had this place for years, but now we will live here. I’ve always writ­ten very well here. We have two log hous­es, and my writ­ing desk will be in the one under the rainbow.



4 thoughts on “Mountain Home”

  1. WOW! Looks beau­ti­ful! You are by far my favorite author, and I always planned to move to Col­orado and live in a log home! I found this com­plete­ly coin­ci­den­tal! The place looks great! Hope­ful­ly I will get some new books in the future!

  2. This is what I call remote and a place with­out too many dis­trac­tions. I grew up in the moun­tains and what bet­ter place to be than in a log cab­in writ­ing anoth­er sto­ry. Now, I know what’s at the end of the rain­bow, it’s your desk. When I dis­cov­ered your book last year, A Begin­ning, A Mid­dle, and An End, it was just the begin­ning of want­i­ng to read more of your books. I have read all of your series about Dim­wood For­est and would like to have my own per­son­al set. One day per­haps I’ll have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet you and get your autograph.

  3. Avi, the pic­tures are love­ly! I’ll enjoy shar­ing them with my sixth graders–your books have always been some of my best read-alouds! Keep at it please.


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