
word craft



Leonardo da Vinci

Art is never finished

I had worked on the book for at least a year, work­ing on it every day, some­times for hours, some­times just for min­utes, but always and always.

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marketing books

Promoting Books

The world of pub­lish­ing is going through a major change in regard to the way books are being promoted.

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The Secret Sisters Avi

A Sequel after Twenty-Three Years

Sequels are hard to write. Read­ers who turn to them not only want a log­i­cal exten­sion of the orig­i­nal sto­ry and char­ac­ters, but they also wish to go deep­er and to new places even as they want some­thing just as good, or better.

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writing a letter

We get letters

Let­ters from my read­ers are always trea­sured (and answered). They pro­vide vital sup­port and proof that invis­i­ble book­worms are alive and well and read­ing my books.

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Aspects of the Novel E.M. Forster

Advice and criticism always help

Dur­ing this past sum­mer, I invit­ed a num­ber of very accom­plished writ­ers to share a book about writ­ing that they have found par­tic­u­lar­ly mean­ing­ful and useful.

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C.M. Surrisi

Summer Blog Series: C.M. Surrisi

C.M. Sur­risi shares, “I am a com­bi­na­tion of a plot­ter and a pantser,” as well as her rec­om­mend­ed non­fic­tion read-aloud and her Zen­like writ­ing space.

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