
word craft


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Margarita Engle

Writing Tip: Margarita Engle

Read a lot of poet­ry, then scrib­ble just for fun. Don’t expect your first draft to be per­fect. Let the beau­ti­ful words and musi­cal rhythms flow. You can make cor­rec­tions later.

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Gary D. Schmidt

Writing Tip: Gary D. Schmidt

Get your pro­tag­o­nists in trou­ble right away. Put them in a place where some­thing has hap­pened, or will hap­pen, and they have no choice but to respond. That starts the sto­ry off, and that makes the read­er want to know what hap­pens next.

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Bruce Coville

Writing Tip: Bruce Coville

One of the most irre­sistible things in the world is a secret. Seri­ous­ly, what is your imme­di­ate reac­tion if some­one tells you they have a secret? You want to know what it is! 

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Veera Hiranandani

Writing Tip: Veera Hiranandani

I’ve taught cre­ative writ­ing for many years and one of my favorite writ­ing exer­cis­es that I’ve giv­en to both kids and adults is exper­i­ment­ing with anoth­er point of view.

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