
word craft



The Zone of Interest

See it. Listen to it.

The movie shows us that even as we con­tin­ue our lives, we often are, at some lev­el, aware of what is hap­pen­ing and choos­ing to ignore it.

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Publishers Weekly Fall 2023 Children's Announcements

Publishing after Covid

While in many respects the Covid pan­dem­ic is behind us (but not, sad­ly, com­plete­ly) it has had a long-term impact on many aspects of our soci­ety. That includes the world of books and pub­lish­ing and the peo­ple who cre­ate them.

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Lost in the Empire City

Lost in the Empire City

Although I have not lived there for some­thing like fifty years I con­fess, I still con­sid­er myself a New York­er. So it’s no sur­prise that ten of my books have mean­ing­ful New York City settings.

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Getting Used to Rejection

If one is a writer one of the things you get used to is rejec­tion. It’s nev­er pleas­ant but can be mem­o­rable. And some­times, in ret­ro­spect, even funny. 

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City of Light, City of Dark

The Art of Fixing a Shadow

Pho­tog­ra­phy has long fas­ci­nat­ed me. … I set up a dark­room in the base­ment of my house and worked with film. … At the time I was immersed in all of this I wrote three books, which, I believe, were great­ly influ­enced by my engage­ment with images.

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African violets

Now Winter Has Come

This morn­ing, in Den­ver, it was minus eight degrees. Sure­ly, win­ter. I remind­ed myself, “If Win­ter comes, can Spring be far behind?”. 

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How the Past Comes into the Present

A 19th-cen­tu­ry fact, writ­ten down by my grand­moth­er in 1939, edit­ed by my twin sis­ter in 1978, writ­ten into my fic­tion in 2024. My way of orga­niz­ing the past into a con­tem­po­rary fic­tion­al narrative.

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