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Poppy & Ereth

Poppy & Ereth

Harper­Collins, 2009
illus­trat­ed by Bri­an Flo­ca
Book 7 of 7

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audio book nar­rat­ed by 
John McDonough

The Poppy Books
Book 1 of 7
Ragweed & Poppy
Book 2 of 7
Book 3 of 7
Poppy & Rye
Book 4 of 7
Ereth's Birthday
Book 5 of 7
Poppy's Return
Book 6 of 7
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What’s this book about?

Pop­py, a deer mouse, and Ereth, a grum­bling por­cu­pine, have been the best of friends for as long as the ani­mals of Dim­wood For­est can remem­ber. An unstop­pable pair ever since they defeat­ed the tyran­ni­cal owl, Mr. Ocax, Pop­py and Ereth have enjoyed many hap­py adven­tures togeth­er. But when a swirl of bit­ter win­ter storms buries Dim­wood For­est in snow and Pop­py’s hus­band, Rye, dies sud­den­ly, all Pop­py wants is some pri­va­cy. “Danc­ing door­knobs,” Ereth mut­ters to no one in par­tic­u­lar, “how can she not want to see me?” As he wad­dles back to his log, Ereth fears he may have lost his dear friend forever.

But Ereth has not lost Pop­py, at least not yet. As the ground begins to thaw, life returns to Dim­wood For­est and Pop­py ven­tures out in search of excite­ment. Sud­den­ly, swooped up by Luci the bat, Pop­py is fly­ing high over the for­est and unex­pect­ed­ly embarks on her great­est adven­ture. Mean­while, Ereth, left to his own devices, man­ages to con­vince him­self that Pop­py has died and, as only the old por­cu­pine can do, sets about to give her the best memo­r­i­al ser­vice the for­est has ever known.

The last episode of the Pop­py sto­ries, Pop­py and Ereth is a rous­ing adven­ture befit­ting one of the great hero­ines of chil­dren’s lit­er­a­ture as well as a final, heart­warm­ing cel­e­bra­tion of the life, love, and friend­ship of two most unlike­ly companions.


Story Behind the Story

There are six Pop­py books, and they are six in num­ber because I recalled read­ing the six Lit­tle House books (by Lau­ra Ingalls Wilder ) to my old­er kids. Thus six seemed—at the time—the right num­ber. That said, invent­ing a final sto­ry was not easy. I was deter­mined to bring a sense of clo­sure which would allow me to bring as many ele­ments of the books into this last vol­ume. It also need­ed to pro­vide a sat­is­fy­ing end­ing to Poppy’s loy­al readers.

There are six Pop­py books, and they are six in num­ber because I recalled read­ing the six Lit­tle House books (by Lau­ra Ingalls Wilder ) to my old­er kids. Thus six seemed—at the time—the right num­ber. That said, invent­ing a final sto­ry was not easy. I was deter­mined to bring a sense of clo­sure which would allow me to bring as many ele­ments of the books into this last vol­ume. It also need­ed to pro­vide a sat­is­fy­ing end­ing to Poppy’s loy­al readers.

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“This heart­warm­ing fan­ta­sy is filled with fast-mov­ing action and dan­ger, and has themes of friend­ship and loss. Fans of the series will be com­plete­ly sat­is­fied.” (School Library Jour­nal)

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The Poppy Books
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