
word craft



What does a good title have that makes it good? Lots of notions here. It should encap­su­late the sto­ry itself. It should sug­gest what the sto­ry is about. It should intrigue the poten­tial read­er. It should pro­vide some strong or poet­ic state­ment. It may also be said the title is the first sal­vo of a mar­ket­ing cam­paign. The truth is, as any author will tell you, a good title is hard to compose.

In my expe­ri­ence. a title can stay with a book all dur­ing its com­po­si­tion. Or it can change often, even as the book evolves.

Per­haps my favorite title shift is The Sea Cook to Trea­sure Island, by Robert Louis Steven­son. Jane Austin’s Pride and Prej­u­dice had the work­ing title, First Impres­sions. The Great Gats­by was orig­i­nal­ly titled Timal­chio in West Egg. [Check Google if you want to find out who Timal­chio was.] Then there was Orwell’s 1984, and its ear­li­er title, Last Man in Europe.

Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson

To be fair, those ear­li­er titles seem odd (or wrong) because we know the books with their final titles so well.

But from per­son­al expe­ri­ence, title changes can hap­pen for many rea­sons. Some­times the work­ing title — you dis­cov­er — has been used for anoth­er book. That was the case for my Pop­py which had been called Pip.

Turned out there was a book titled Pip: The Sto­ry of a Mouse. When I changed the title, I, of course, also had to change the main character’s name.

Some­thing Upstairs got its title when I read the first (unpub­lished) chap­ters to a class of fifth graders. At the time it had no title. I asked the kids for a sug­ges­tion. A girl raised her hand. “Call it Some­thing Upstairs,” she said.


My Wolf Rid­er title doesn’t work because it refers to an obscure line buried in the text. Read­ers rarely find it.

Some­times a shift hap­pens because the book itself changes. Thus, The True Con­fes­sions of Char­lotte Doyle was first called The Sea­hawk, the name of the ship on which all the action takes place. But of course, the nov­el is far less about the ship, than about the main char­ac­ter, Char­lotte. Thus, The Secret School’s work­ing title was sim­ply Ida

It took a while to give Secret Sis­ters a title. For a while, I sim­ply called it Secret Sequel.

I used the legal term Dis­cov­ery, for Noth­ing but the Truth, but changed it for what I came to think was a clear­er, bet­ter title. 

My orig­i­nal title for Crispin: The Cross of Lead, was No Name. In that case, it was the edi­tor who felt a change was nec­es­sary, not an unusu­al occur­rence. I always pre­ferred the orig­i­nal name.

Catch You Lat­er, Trai­tor was first called Sea­son of Sus­pi­cion. But the book shift­ed pub­lish­ers and got a new title. One of my sons sug­gest­ed it should be called just Lat­er.

A title change can occur when the publisher’s mar­ket­ing team weighs in, but the author hears about that only indi­rect­ly. Such was the case when my recent­ly pub­lished City of Mag­ic, lost its orig­i­nal title, Mid­night in Anoth­er World.

My newest book Lost in the Empire City had the title The Four Mil­lion and Me. The num­ber refers to the pop­u­la­tion of New York City in 1911, the time of the sto­ry. It’s also an obscure ref­er­ence to the short sto­ry writer, O Hen­ry, who wrote a book about NYC called The Three Mil­lion. The new title has much more energy.

So, it goes …

Now I have to give a title for this short essay. Let’s just call it Titles.

Does that work?

2 thoughts on “Titles”

  1. This essay was indeed thought-inspir­ing, but the only let­ter­ing I need­ed to see on the cov­er was “Avi”. I retired from teach­ing 16 years ago and you pro­vid­ed my class­es with won­der­ful sto­ries to be explored. Thank you Mr. Wortis!

  2. Excit­ing as always. Mr. Wor­tis has the abil­i­ty to keep the read­er spellbound.

    I also find the length of the essays amaz­ing. The mod­ern gen­er­a­tion is more of one liners.
    I myself five to ten lines. I have writ­ten metres and kilo­me­tres but for myself.

    The title, ‘Titles,’ describes it exact­ly as it is. An edi­tor would pre­fer per­haps spme­thing more catchy. For instance, ‘What’s with titles ?’ 

    This is eas­i­er done in after­math or in ret­ro­spect how­ev­er than when writ­ing an article.


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