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A Chronology of My Historical Fiction

On Feb­ru­ary 11, at 2PM (Pacif­ic time) I will be giv­ing a talk about his­tor­i­cal fic­tion for the Cal­i­for­nia School Librar­i­an’s Association. 

Here is a list of all my his­tor­i­cal fic­tion with the dates in which the sto­ries take place. Unless oth­er not­ed the sto­ries take place in America.

Book without Words700   The Book with­out Words  (Eng­land)

1381 Crispin: The Cross of Lead (Eng­land, France)

1381 Crispin: The End of Time (Eng­land, France)

1381 Crispin at The Edge of the World (Eng­land, France)

1491 Mur­der at Mid­night (Italy)

1491 Mid­night Mag­ic (Italy)

1554 The Play­er King (Eng­land)   

1656 Find­ing Providence

1724 The Unex­pect­ed Life of Oliv­er Cromwell Pitts (Eng­land)

The Unexpected Life of Oliver Cromwell Pitts1725 The End of the World and Beyond

1760 Encounter at Easton

1760 Night Jour­neys  

1776 Sophia’s War: A Tale of the Revolution

1777 The Fight­ing Ground

1784 Cap­tain Grey

1835 True Con­fes­sions of Char­lotte Doyle

1845 Beyond the West­ern Sea: Book One, The Escape from Home and Book Two, Into the Storm (Eng­land, Ire­land, USA) 

1848 Gold Rush Girl 

Gold Rush Girl1849 The Trai­tors’ Gate (Eng­land)

1850 The Man Who Was Poe

1859 Hard Gold

1850 The Barn  

1862 Iron Thun­der

1860 Emi­ly Upham’s Revenge  

1870s The Seer of Shadows

1870s Punch With Judy

1870s Abi­gail Takes the Wheel

1870s Prairie School

The Button War1870s His­to­ry of Help­less Har­ry             

1890 City of Orphans

1910 Silent Movie 

1917 The But­ton War (Europe)      

1925 The Secret School

1930 Smug­gler’s Island (Shadrach’s Cross­ing

1944 Don’t You Know There’s A War On?”  

1945 Who Was That Masked Man, Any­way?”  

1951 Catch You Lat­er, Trai­tor  

1960 Man from the Sky

1980 Noth­ing but the Truth  

1980 Some­thing Upstairs

2 thoughts on “A Chronology of My Historical Fiction”

  1. Just wow. I need to catch up. (It would be help­ful to have the pub­li­ca­tion dates as well. But I can find those myself.) I think I need to gath­er all my Avi books to give to my grand­kids soon. And buy miss­ing titles! I am so glad you are in this world and have worked so hard. Thank you.

  2. Ever since I was a kid I have loved all the books I have read of yours. To this day my favorites are Mid­night Mag­ic and The Man Who Was Poe. When I see this list I am shocked that I nev­er saw and still don’t see many of these books in the library or even in book stores. Thanks for a book list! Now I can have my chil­dren read more of your books and I can enjoy more of them myself.


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